Time is witness to the fact that all revolutions started with one person. And that one person started and developed that thought and equipped himself before he/she have started gathering others.

Similar will be the fact if we look at self improvement in the context. The journey to improve self have many milestones and let’s talk about them one by one in this week series.

I conduct soft skill trainings for corporate sector and self improvement is not only the need of the hour but also something which have and shall remain with mankind for the centuries to come.

We as humans have improved ourselves from the stone age to the current internet age. However the need to keep ourselves updated and keep improving is most today than ever.

In normal parlance this word is used as if we know all about it. However, if we go deeper and wish to apply it to self, we realize that it’s easier said than done.

So this week I shall be attempting to bring in the various facets of self improvement to you with an aim to get into engaging discussions with all of you over the topic, its various aspects and their intricate meanings and impacts they create in our understanding and ways to implement them in our own lives.

Keep following this series and do connect with me if you have a requirement understood for your self improvement and you are stuck somewhere in the process.