Activities, games or exercises conducted in a training workshop are not only for entertainment but are planned and weaved in such a manner so that they bring in a realization with respect to the thinking processes running on our minds. The journey of self-awareness gives so much of realization that our perceptions may change upside down.
This week I am going to write about some such exercises which can be done in our day to day life, with family or friends.
Let’s draw this graph of life. Mention the years starting from your birth on ‘X’ axis with a cluster of 5 or 10 yrs as it suits you. On ‘Y’ axis place a rating from ‘0-10’. Now plot your major decisions or important incidents of life, which had an impact or implication on your personality, quality of life &/or your future on this graph – year wise – by rating them on the scale of ‘0-10′, ’10’ being the best. A line graph joining these plots will represent the ups and downs in life.
If further keen, you may additionally write a note for your reference as to why a certain decision or incident is rated high or low. This becomes interesting when,
We find any pattern in the way we have lived our life
We get a realization looking at certain low or high point
There could already be a mechanism developed to address the similar incidents, which can be used effectively hereafter
Learning from these points – we once again revise it automatically or we may even find a new learning there
The thought process behind both kinds of decisions – the ones turned out to be right and ones went wrong – we know what to take forward & what needs to be revised
This whole exercise is like a tour through flash back. We still do not have a time machine, where we can go back in time & change certain things in life. But this experience makes it more meaningful as we still have wonderful time of future to look at with more positivity and hope.
If you attempt this exercise, do share with me if you come across any more realizations! Let’s together make our lives a place worth cherishing!